These rules are the same as the ones we have in our spoken languages. If you structure a sentence the wrong way, things might get misinterpreted. Think of the game Broken Telephone, one change in phrasing or word can result in the 5th person getting something completely different to what was originally communicated. It is therefore important to follow these grammatical rules.
It’s the same with Programming Languages Rules (AKA Syntax).
but with programming these rules are 100% enforced. in English, if i forget to capitalise every first letter starting a sentence or the first person pronoun “i”, you would still understand what i was trying to say, like you did with this very sentence. But with programming how we write every letter, symbol, number, etc. matters; because the computer is expecting to see certain words, numbers, characters in a particular order.
Watch out for break point in the video that will help ensure you understand and give you more info.